The focus has been mostly on agriculture. When I came to Muskedalen in 2012, it was a logging field where birch trees were coming up. The roots were pulled up, the soil leveled and grass was sown. The concept is to use grass from the meadow for fertilization and soil cover in vegetable cultivation. The focus has been on starting with those plants that need time to become ready for production.
To grow vegetables here, it is necessary to take steps beyond conventional agriculture.
To meet a climate that appears to be becoming more unruly, the 4-element design model is used. This means that soil, water, air and sun must be balanced. Ponds, ditches and carbon are techniques that have been used to create growing conditions.
A combination of hugelkultur, swales and ponds. (There will be an article about that later).
I made the planter bench in the summer of -24. The gardener checks hers phone (hasn't gotten any soil on hers fingers yet).
Mobile chicken coop was nailed down in the summer of -24
The three working goats "bruse" have been tarred this summer -24