Culture is a comprehensive term that was originally used to refer to cultivating land or wine. The first ritual ceremonies are considered cultural activity. Culture is the complex whole that consists of knowledge, beliefs, art, morality. law and customs, in addition to all the other skills and habits a person has acquired as a member of a society.

The concept of culture encompasses thought, communication and behavior patterns in all areas of social life. It is about shared ideas, values, attitudes, rules, habits and traditions. Moral and religious rules of conduct that prevail in a society are also part of the culture of the society. Culture can be said to be the totality of customs and practices that are transmitted between people. Cultures are changeable and overlapping and without clear boundaries. Culture is based on communication and interaction. It is not only in ethnic groups, but also the different social classes and subgroups, which possess subcultures. Different nations and people groups each have their own culture, or their own cultural expression, folk culture

Masanobu Fukuoka quote (to be checked later, freely from memory): when we cultivate, we do not cultivate the earth, but the people.

One may wonder whether one cultivates the mind by tending a garden, or by reading poetry, or listening to beautiful music. And what is it that makes permaculture a culture?

I bring my life experience into permaculture that I can cultivate further, other experiences I can let go. I see a connection between permaculture and natural religions. I include my pagan / shamanistic experiences in what I write in the thread about paganism. In my religion, the earth and nature are sacred, and we use songs and verses to praise it, and not least to please ourselves. I have posted lyrics to songs that I like, and which are sung in a circle or around the fire.

Permaculture is the design system that weaves a sustainable existence

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