Season -25
This page is for those who are considering volunteering. It gives an overview of what will be done during the season. For volunteers, I will provide training in the various work areas.
To do in -25
-The hugel /carbon bed will be planted.
-A larger greenhouse is on the wish list, but first the groundwork should be done. The experience from the small one will come in handy.
-More planting tables and pots on pallets in the yard.
-The old garden (west of the yard) will be cleared / planted / organized, in addition to some drainage work. A compost system will also be made there.
-3 - chamber compost system
- a fence will be put up
- create protection around small trees
- meadow and rake the grass
It is January -25, the weather alternates between snow, frost and mild weather. There is relatively little frost on the ground.
Usually it is the time for forestry work, now I plan to chop and split around 10 cubic meters this year.
Here the forest will be cleared and the wood will be used for a hugelbed. Here it will be a forest garden.
Unbelievably enough; there is sowing time indoors in January.
I made the plant bench in -24, and more will be made in -25. It will be sown and new plants will come to life. Many plants will go to the nursery this year.
The beds were covered with grass in the fall, now planning for a new season is underway.
Form for a planting plan, now all you have to do is come up with a good combination.
We came a long way with the beds in 24, but a lot of rain in the fall made it difficult to continue. Now more wood will be collected from the forest and more beds will be made. It is possible that some of the beds will be given a rest this year. But otherwise, sowing and planting will be done here.